Our History
The Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs was founded in January 1988 at a meeting in the Ardboyne Hotel in Navan. At the first meeting John Chambers was elected Chairman, Martin Murray Secretary and Paul Comiskey Treasurer. A total of 17 clubs affiliated.
The formation of I.F.P.A.C. coincided with the introduction of the rod licence and the Federation decided to oppose it. Two years later the rod licence was abolished.
In the early 1990's elections were held to take up coarse angler seats on each of 7 Regional Fisheries Boards. We were successful in getting members elected to 4 of these Boards which gave pike anglers a good voice.
John Chambers
Since we were established we opposed the use of gill nets to remove pike from various waters all around the country. In this we were successful in some areas but, unfortunately, not yet in the West or one lake in the Midlands.
Since the start we have done our best to encourage young anglers to take up pike fishing. Our first event at Killykeen Forest Park attracted 75 young anglers but, unfortunately, in recent years it has been much harder to attract young anglers into our sport.
In our first year we started running the National Pike Championships and our Annual Team Challenge against Great Britain. Both these events have been popular over the years.
I.F.P.A.C. has long been recognised by State agencies as the official body to represent pike anglers. Over the years we have been consulted by these bodies on a multitude of issues. This has involved meetings in European countries.
We are affiliated to the Angling Council of Ireland which represents many Irish angling federations. They help and advise us on many issues such as Garda Vetting, Coaching, Health and Safety, Child Safeguarding, Grant Aid and a multitude of other issues.
Usually around 70 to 75 clubs from all over the country affiliate to I.F.P.A.C. We offer clubs both club insurance and personal accident insurance. We also have a lot of tackle which we can make available to clubs who may hold open days to encourage new members to join. We will also assist groups of anglers establish new clubs and will send a committee member along to meet them and advise them. In this regard John Chambers 086 6057306 or Fergal Bell 087 9941600 can be contacted.