Thirty brave souls battled the elements yesterday to attend IFPAC's Junior Final 2022. Fishing was poor due to high water temperatures. But, this did not deter the attendees from having a fun day out with their parents. Results were as follows:
All Ireland Team Winners

Left to right Ollie Whitely, Cian Dunne, Brendan Jervis Junior, Matthew Jervis
All Ireland Team Runners-Up - Whitewood Ramblers

Left to right: Kelsey Dimbylow, Brian Kiernan, Lucy Kiernan, Alex Kiernan.
Under 18 Champion Aidan Walsh

Under 13 Champion Cian Dunne.

Under 8 Champion Lucy Kiernan

The Newbridge Crew

Newbridge Team

Under 18 Winner Cian Dunne with his fish.

Lucy Kiernan with her fish.

Lucy and her dad Ronan.

Stephen Whitely with his son Ollie.

Peter with his son.

Mickey Mc Kenna's two daughters.

Mick O' Connor with his sons.