In the under18 section it is advised that all anglers should be able to hook play and land their own fish . Under 18 anglers also must be able to cast out their own fishing rod unaccompanied by an adult . Adults or supervisors are allowed to net a fish for a child .
In the Under 13 section again all anglers must be able to hook play and land their own fish . Whereas unlike the under 18 section it still is advised that under 13's cast there own rods exceptions been in difficult fishing conditions. In strong winds or bad weather or whereas these young anglers can not cast out over weeded areas . Under 8's sections Adults can cast out for the young anglers if there not able to and also strike the fish . But the under 8 angler must be able to play and land the fish . These are just the basic rules for the sections . Safety of all kids is a must and other rules and regulations must be abided by on the day . IFPAC has a full list of rules on the back of cards that must be adhered by all . It is also a major recommendation that all kids must be accompanied and supervised by adults . Any other queries on these don’t hesitate to contact Jody on 0879886408.