IFPAC held it's 1st Qualifier of the 2023/2024 season today on the River Inny. Turnout was encouraging as 60 anglers attended. Fishing was good (total of 201 fish caught) with 5 doubles landed, the largest being a whopping 19Ib 04oz caught by Eddie the Queen (now promoted to "The King"). Also there was four 9Iber's, six 8Iber's and five 7Iber's caught.
The top 5 were as follows:
1st Mark kiernan 63Ib 12oz, 14 fish 2nd Eddie Mc Guirk 47Ib 11oz, 8 fish 3rd Dodger 45Ib 5oz, 8 fish 4th David Quinlivan 34Ib 7oz, 10 fish 5th Mark Mc Kenna 31Ib 4oz, 7 fish
Pools: 1st Eddie Mc Guirk 19Ib 4oz

2nd Mark Kiernan 11Ib 13oz 3rd Derek Mohan 10Ib 5oz
Total fish: 201