Results of Castleconnell Qualifier.
Twenty seven anglers attended 4th Qualifier of the 2023/24 season. Water levels were high with angling patchy depending where you fished. Although there was two doubles caught.
Results were as follows:
1st Sean Markey 48Ib, 9 fish
2nd Mark Quinlivan 35Ib 6oz, 6 fish
3rd Dave Murphy 28Ib 5oz, 8 fish
4th Seamus Coffey 27Ib 3oz, 6 fish
5th David Walsh 21Ib 1oz, 5 fish
1st Seamus Coffey 14Ib 11oz
2nd Mark Quinlivan 13Ib 10oz
3rd Sean Markey 9Ib
Total fish: 75
Total weight: 348Ib 13oz
Average bag: 12Ib 15oz